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What is Hajj

What is Hajj?

'Hajj' is the worship that begins at Arafat and continues until death.

Hajj, dressed in pure white garments like a shroud, reminiscent of the gathering of the hereafter, eliminating distinctions of rich-poor, urban-rural, elevating "we" over "I", fulfilling "symbolic" duties such as stoning the devil, circumambulation, and Sa'y, where certain lawful things become unlawful after entering ihram, thus providing discipline for the soul, training in willpower and patience, opening hands to Allah among hundreds of thousands, where religious feelings reach the peak of sincerity and devotion.

It is narrated from Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

"The performance of Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous Umrah; and the reward of an accepted Hajj is nothing but Paradise." (Bukhari, Umrah 1; Muslim, Hajj 437. Also see: Tirmidhi, Hajj 88; Nasai, Manasik 3, 5, 77; Ibn Majah, Manasik 3)

Hajj is performed in 3 types.

In terms of execution, Hajj is of three types: Ifrad Hajj, Tamattu Hajj, and Qiran Hajj. Hajj and Umrah can be performed separately or together within the Hajj months of the same year. Depending on whether Umrah is performed before Hajj, and whether Umrah and Hajj are performed with separate or the same ihram, Hajj is performed in three ways: Ifrad Hajj, Tamattu Hajj, and Qiran Hajj.

Ifrad Hajj is performing only Hajj in a Hajj season without performing Umrah. The execution of Ifrad Hajj is as follows:

a) After the "preparation for Hajj" stage, a person who resides within the miqat limits but has not performed Umrah performs Hajj at his/her location by saying, "O Allah! I intend to perform Hajj. Make it easy for me and accept it," thus making the intention and reciting the talbiyah. Thus, the ihram is entered, and the prohibitions of ihram begin.

b) Upon reaching Mecca, they perform Tawaf al-Qudum (the Arrival Tawaf). They may perform Sa'y after this Tawaf if they wish. After Tawaf, they continue to remain in ihram and adhere to the prohibitions of ihram.

c) On the Day of Tarwiyah, similar to Tamattu and Qiran Hajj, they proceed to Arafat, perform the Arafat Waqf (standing), then perform the Muzdalifah Waqf. On the first day of Eid, they throw seven pebbles at the Big Devil. It is not obligatory for the person performing Ifrad Hajj to offer a thanksgiving sacrifice, but they may offer a voluntary sacrifice if they wish.

After this stage, they proceed as in the other types of Hajj.

Tamattu means "benefit, utilize." Since there is a period without ihram between two ihrams, a time without Hajj prohibitions exists between Umrah and Hajj. Therefore, it is called Tamattu. Tamattu Hajj is performing Umrah and Hajj with separate intentions and ihrams within the Hajj months of the same year. During the Hajj months, after performing Umrah and exiting ihram, then performing Hajj with a new ihram, pilgrims coming from distant regions perform Tamattu Hajj.

The execution of Qiran Hajj...

a) After the "preparation for Hajj" stage, intending to perform both Umrah and Hajj,

saying, "O Allah! I intend to perform Umrah and Hajj. Make both easy for me and accept them," thus making the intention and reciting the talbiyah.

b) After this stage, they proceed as mentioned in Tamattu Hajj. Upon reaching Mecca, they perform Tawaf al-Umrah (the Umrah Tawaf) and then perform Sa'y. After Sa'y, they do not exit ihram. They continue to remain in ihram and adhere to the prohibitions of ihram. If they wish, after resting for a while following the Umrah Sa'y, they perform an additional Tawaf called "Tawaf al-Qudum" (Arrival Tawaf), followed by offering "Salat al-Tawaf" (Tawaf Prayer). If they intend to perform the Hajj Sa'y, they may do it after this Tawaf al-Qudum. If they intend to perform the Sa'y later, they perform it after the "Tawaf al-Ziyarah" (Visitation Tawaf).

c) Similar to Temattu Hajj on the Day of Tarwiyah, they proceed to Mina or directly to Arafat, perform the Arafat Waqf, then perform the Muzdalifah Waqf. On the first day of Eid, they throw seven pebbles at the Big Devil, offer the thanksgiving sacrifice, then shave or trim their hair and exit ihram except for sexual relations. They proceed to Mecca and perform the Tawaf of Hajj. If they have not performed the Hajj Sa'y before the Arafat Waqf, they perform it afterward. On the second and third days of Eid, they throw seven pebbles at each of the three Jamarat after midday. Before returning home, they perform the "Farewell Tawaf," thus completing their Hajj.

Unlike Temattu Hajj, in Qiran Hajj:

- Umrah and Hajj are intended together.

- Ihram is not exited after performing Tawaf and Sa'y of Umrah.

- Tawaf al-Qudum, Umrah Tawaf, and Sa'y are performed after each other.